American Legion Auxillary Info
What is the American Legion Auxiliary?
Founded in 1919, members of the American Legion Auxiliary support and serve the nation's veterans and their families. Auxiliary programs encompass many humanitarian and social concerns including the welfare and care of veterans, children and youth, women's issues, and service to the community.
Year after year, members donate more than $18 million and 6 million volunteer hours to communities nationwide.
If you are interested in joining the American Legion Auxiliary, please email the Department Secretary.
Department of Georgia Leaders
Department President 2023-2024:
Cheryl Waybright​
Department Secretary:
Patty Hawkins
3035 Mount Zion Road
Stockbridge, GA 30281
678-289-8446 Phone
678-289-9496 Fax
Georgia Girls State Committee
Deedy Harrell
Assistant Director:
Gabriele Barnett