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What is Girls State?

What is the American Legion Auxiliary Girls State?


It is a National program of the American Legion Auxiliary. It is a course of instruction in, as well as, a practical application of, the fundamental principles and procedures of city, county, and state government under the American system.   A session, usually lasting five days, is conducted by each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia, with the top-ranking high school girls as citizens.   Under the guidance of skilled counselors and other staff members who are leading citizens, these girls learn and then practice through self-government, the duties, responsibilities, and privileges of American citizenship.   Georgia Girls State is sponsored, as it has been since 1945, by the American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Georgia with local Auxiliary units and interested civic, fraternal, and patriotic organizations cooperating.

A description from the American Legion Auxiliary:


Following the formation of The American Legion's Boys State program, the American Legion Auxiliary developed a similar citizenship training program for high school girls to have the same opportunity. It became known as the Girls State program. This program offers training in the practical processes of self-government and good citizenship as practiced in a democratic society. 


Each summer, approximately 20,000 enthusiastic young women participate in Girls State sessions across the nation. At Girls State, the "citizens" study local, county, and state government processes. They do this by setting up their own miniature city, county, and state governments and administering them according to the laws of their particular states. 


After arriving at Girls State, the citizens are divided into two political parties, often named the Nationalists and the Federalists. These parties do not reflect the two major political parties in today's system of government. The parties allow citizens to gain a special knowledge of how a two-party system operates. 


Girls State citizens participate in these mock political parties, and elections are held to fill city, county, and state positions. Activities include legislative sessions, campaigning, party rallies, debating, and voting. The citizens also receive special instruction in Parliamentary Procedure. The delegates learn government processes by doing.


Girls State affords participants an opportunity to live together as self-governing citizens by informing them about the duties, privileges, rights, and responsibilities of American citizenship.


This learning experience better familiarizes the participants with their duties as United States citizens and encourages their participation in the democratic process as they progress into adulthood. 


Members of the American Legion Auxiliary have structured the Girls State program to meet the following objectives:




  • to develop leadership and pride in American citizens

  • to educate citizens about our system of government

  • to instill a greater understanding of American traditions

  • to stimulate a desire to maintain our democratic government processes


Girls State Pledge


You will be required to read and sign the Girls State Pledge before coming to Georgia Girls State. The signed pledge must be turned in to the Girls State staff when you register.






As a citizen of Girls State of the American Legion Auxiliary, 
I VOLUNTARILY make the following statement:


  • I will obey the rules of Girls State.

  • I will be present for every portion of the Girls State session and I will remain for, its entirety.

  • I will take serious and conscientious interest in discharging my duties as a citizen of Girls State.

  • I understand that this is an Americanism program and that it is a study of city, county, and state government.

  • I will salute the American Flag.

  • If elected to an office, I will serve to the best of my ability.

  • I will abide by the judgment of those responsible for this Americanism program.

  • I will make a formal report (written or oral) of my impression of Girls State upon my return home to the Auxiliary Unit that sponsored me.

  • I will live in residence as a citizen of Girls State.

  • I will return to high school for at least one semester of my senior year.

  • In so far as possible, I will take an active part in the affairs of the party in the city and county to which I am assigned.

  • I will be fair, honest and respectful in all my dealings with my fellow citizens and members of the Girls State Staff.

  • I am not a member of, and do not subscribe to the principles of any group opposed to our form of government. 

© 2023 All Rights Reserved. Georgia Girls State, American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Georgia

3035 Mount Zion Road | Stockbridge, GA 30281 | 678-289-8446 | Fax: 678-289-9496
Email Girls State | Email ALA | Email Webmaster | Last Updated 12/3/2022

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